Ludmila Pavlová
- Edvard Hagerup Grieg Two Elegiac Melodies
- Gyula Beliczay Serenade for Strings in D minor, op. 36
- Jean Sibelius Impromptu for Strings op. 5
- Petr Iljič Čajkovskij Serenade for Strings C major, op. 48
- Ludmila Pavlová, concertmaster
Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings is one of the masterpieces of its field, which is why it is also an integral part of our repertoire. Even more than 140 years after its premiere, its popularity is still breathtaking among music-loving audiences. The evening will also be enriched with gems of Scandinavian music, directly from the greatest national composers of the Nordic countries – Norway will be represented by Edvard Grieg and Finland by Jean Sibelius. Our innovative dramaturgy will enrich the concert with the lesser-known, but very original romantic composer, engineer, and colonel Gyula Beliczay.